DAY93(2/6) Blue Lake Hut to Wild Camp 2025km-2048km

We waited a whole day but this morning was still raining a lot. Considering our food surely we needed to keep going. We packed our stuff and ready to leave in any time.

“Let’s head out at 9 o’clock!” said Nobu.

Blue sky was appearing between clouds but shower was occasionally falling.

While other hikers were still waiting we started at 9 o’clock. Stopped at Blue Lake to fill up the clearest sacred water in our bottles.

Blue Lake

The mist and light shower started clearing when we reach Lake Constance and magnificent views showed up around us. Pale green grasses on the valley and sheer cliffs, the contrast they make was perfect. It was unreal to me that I was walking this fantasy like scenery.

After walking through the valley steep scree climb awaited us. Every step I took towards Waiau Pass made different views when I looked back and enjoyed every single moments.

Lake Constance

Around the pass the weather turned out great. It’d be just miserable if we didn’t have views here. Another lucky day for us!

Mix of rocks and screes after the pass. With our climbing experience and small backpacks we enjoyed climbing down. I though about other TAs are tough going down with a big heavy backpack.

After steep part there was multiple stream crossings down the valley and the path getting flatter. We put our arms on each other’s shoulder and crossed a bigger one. We did high five when we succeeded in crossing and I felt good!

Caroline Creek Bivvy

Waiau Hut (6B) built in 2017 by generous donation. A nice little hut but so many sandflies outside also inside. We could stay here with sandies but considering the rest of distance we kept walking.

A little rest in our tent I needed to mend my rain pants while Nobu was fishing. Sew the ripped part then put repair-seat on and stick around it.

I was shocked this morning hearing the ripping sound from my hip but I was quite happy that I could wear them again with my mend. Also I was glad Nobu carries all these repairing stuff with him which most of cases he could fix with then.

I think back and it was normal to me throwing broken stuff and buy a new one “the consumption cycle”.

Very well having tools to repair and means.

Millions of stars above and the Milky Way drew beautiful lines on it. I could spot Orion in Tokyo but here I have hard time finding them because so many stars among them. This is a real pleasure of camping. I kept the view of the sky in my Ming and went to sleep peacefully.

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