DAY90(2/3) Lakehead Hut to Upper Travers Hut 1989km-2009km

Over casted morning and chilly it wasn’t feel like summer.

I put groves and rain pants on when I started but soon warmed up enough taking them off.

The trail is along Travers River slowly going up. It was easy and pleasant walk in and out of the forests having sunshine sometimes.

When I looked up, thin clouds flowing in the blue sky. It became a nice day.

John Tait Hut

When we came out to the open space walls of mountains surrounded around us. It was totally different landscape we’ve seen before. Quite impressive this is South Island!

Upper Travers Hut is nice and big with two separated bedrooms with 24 bunks. You can see sheer cliffs right through the big windows of the hut, great location!

Upper Travers Hut

Many hikers were here including TAs. A warden arrived from the other side and he was funny and chatty talke to every single hikers.

The warden gave us the latest weather forecast. Tomorrow should be fine but Monday doesn’t look good then nice weather comes in.

Nobu was planning how many days to finish this section to Boyle Village considering supply’s and distances of huts and possible campsites. It is always hard job I thank for Nobu.

Well we’ve walked for 2,000km today! Time flies and 1,000km to go that makes me feel good also a little sad finishing it sooner than I thought.

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