DAY82(1/26) Pelorus Bridge Campsite to Middy Hut 1839km-1866km

14km of gravel road walk to the trail head in a hot day. Our backpacks were full of food worth 10 days. Isha and Nobu still walks fast and I couldn’t keep up with them with this heat.

Fresh cold water from stream by the road was a great treat under burning sun.

Once we got into Pelorus River Track,started many steep ups&downs. I was tired but each time I saw the river it fascinated me. Just beautiful.

Pelorus River

I turned my cellphone off for saving battery so I had no idea about time today. When I asked Nobu about time at the last rest it was already 3pm.

Slow walking with heavy backpacks but we made first one to the hut.

Intention Book

First thing we do in the hut is checking a intention book. Names of hikers we met or just names always ahead of us.

Swim again! With clothes on we do laundry as well. Water was chilly but felt so fresh~

Pelorus river is famous for sund-flies and we had stacked by a hundred of them. Around water around the hut even in the hut too?! Oh it was so itchy that night.

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