DAY80(1/24) Mistletoe Bay Eco Village to Havelock Holiday Park 1788km-1818km

Sunny warm day again!

The rest of QCT was flat and easy walk. We stopped at the last campsite in the trail and swam!

After swimming Nobu asked me to cut his hair!

Isha said “You guys crazy!” with laugh.

After Queen Charlotte Track was road walk to Havelock. We tried to hitch hike!

Debra&Peter gave us a ride to Havelock. They’re experienced hikers and actually did 3 weeks TA hike from Cape Rainga!? Wow that’s the hardest part.

They invited us to their place and gave us plenty of advice.

Well we got the town and next thing we do was to EAT.

Got one fish&chips each and it was massive!

The next section was hiking in mountain range for up to 10 days. Isha bought Coco Pops at a shop thats her favorite on TA.

We are Hangry Hikers!

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