DAY79(1/23) Bay of Many Coves Campsite to Mistletoe Bay Eco Village 1766km-1788km

“Beautiful morning!”

Nobu woke me up. I looked outside with half asleep eyes and it was just beautiful. Well I thought about how wonderful the world is. This time of the day is my favorite! Quiet morning with pale light it stretch the actual time flow.

Locusts started singing with sunlight.

Locusts here are smaller than ones in Japan and sing high tone. It says summer has come.

It was a very hot day on hilly trail. Harder than I thought but Nobu was saying we were gonna swim at the next campsite. That pushed me walk through in this heat.

Weka was trying steal some stuff out of my backpack! I found it early enough that he run away. They appear from no where no time for relax.

Mistletoe Bay Eco Village was the one for tonight. We planed to get the next DOC campsite but Isha was having a rest day here so we decided to have easy day and rest. Swimming after hot day walk was fantastic so good~

BTW the lens adapter of Nobu’s camera suddenly not working. It became a little loose for a couple of days then screw inside stuck. Luckily one of the stuff here had a tiny screwdriver and he fixed it ok. We can’t continue without his photos.

Enjoy Nobu’s pictures in South Island as well!

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