DAY77(1/21) Ship Cove to Schoolhousebay Camp site 1734km-1737km

Atlantis Backpackers @ Picton

Heading out to Ship Cove, the trail head of South Island. We took afternoon water taxi from Picton.

The boat stoped before Ship Cove. You can walk a little trail to where you can see a nest of penguins. But sea was beautiful and clear Nobu couldn’t resist swimming. And e found something.

Ship Cove

It was low tide when we arrived Ship Cove. Nobu went down under the jetty and grabbed some mussels!

And that became our starting meal. Steam them and put some flavor.

WEKA! You have to watch your stuff or weka will steal some.

We started walking around 5:30pm. It was the latest start we ever had. Also the last one left Ship Cove. What can we do without food!

The first campsite was for tonight. One hour walk was enough for now.

And there was Green Mussels here and bigger!!! Sauté mussels was another meal for the day.

I remember the first day of South Island at Twilight Beach. We got some mussels too. Well with Nobu we don’t need to worry about food. Thanks for food from the nature.

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