DAY75(1/19) Allan’s Place to YHA Wellinghton Backpackers 1697km-1722km

Before our departure Allen showed us around his garden. He flatten the land to make better garden. He even built a tea house (not on picture) and board walk over a little stream with a shelter.

After Ohariu Village we entered the next track. There’re many houses right after the hill on Ohariu side.

One side was farmlands horses running wildly and on the other side was full of houses without extra space.

I really wish to stay on Ohariu side if we lived here.

Good view of Wellington from the peak of Mt.Kaukau. We’re finally here~!

We had no time to relax in Wellington. Got our bounce box first, check in, shop for 4 food boxes, send food boxes, buy some gear and then shop again for next 5,6 days of food!

No towns on the trail at the first half of TA. So we decided sending food boxes to some points.

Shopping roughly 4 weeks of food gave us a long receipt we’ve never seen!

We were almost out of time at post office. The head of staff told us we need to make it in 20min which was strange because they close in 40min. Anyway we did it in time!

Bounce box, planning next section, resupply lots things to do when we’re in town. Actually harder than just walking.

We had a little celebration with Sunshine from US. She was a few days ahead of us for the last 3 weeks.

We did finish North Island and ready for the next!

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