DAY72(1/16) Waitewaewae Hut to River Pa 1608km-1640km

It was dark and raining in the morning.

Waitewaewae Hut to Parawai Hut takes 5 to 7 hours for 10km. Depends on arrival time to the next hut, we’d decide how far we walk today.

We sped up in the forest and got Parawai Hut in 4 hours! That was much faster than I thought. We had a lunch there and kept on walking to get Waikanae.

One of our walking food OSM bar. Tasty not too sweet and fills me up. We eat mainly nuts and dried fruits during the day.

Pukeatua Track / Can you find a owl?

It was getting dark when we were out of forest. Walking in dusk gave me a different impression of landscapes. The after glow enhances farmlands shining in gold.

We arrived “River Pa” around 9pm. It was the latest time we walked here. And it was another big day!

Maria the owner told me supermarket opens until 10pm. I was exhausted but cold beer was enough bate for me to walk more.

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