DAY71(1/15) Nichols Hut to Waitewaewae Hut 1600km-1608km

The highest point was 1462m on our pass at Tararua Range. After the peak there is a long downhill to get the point of 318m altitude. Over 1000m difference was hard on my knees.

If you get a swing bridge then Waitewaiwai Hut is almost there.

Otaki River under the bridge is the clearest river so fur.

We’ve heard a big trout down here. Nobu started fishing right away (need a license to fish in fresh water). And I did washing in the river and relaxed.

When I looked up his fishing pole was curved and I see a fish leaping!

“Big one!!!” Nobu was very excited and carefully pulling it to the shore.

It was a huge trout!

I was surprised this size of fish could live in a river?!

Nobu was happy with the big trout. He thinks it was a golden trout.

“I don’t know what to do with this size!” Nobu was dealing with oversized fish by small knife. We had trout sauté first then cooked with rice. The rest we shared for other hikers.

Swimming after a meal was nice. The water was chilly but crystal clear and when I jumped in felt great and refreshed.

It’s be great if this wild days became daily life~!

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