DAY67(1/11) Parking Lot to Makahika Outdoor Pursuits Center 1532km-1569km

Distance: 37km

Time: 12hours

Trail: Burton’s Track / Mangahao Makahika Track

Exhausted a half day track and a full day track but I felt great. Speeding in the beautiful forests kept walking forward was fun. In general we’re slow hikers or maybe short walkers. But when we walk on nice tracks we can walk longer and faster.

Burttons Track

The native forest was just beautiful.I tried to avoid getting my shoes wet but in the end no way keeping them dry…this is TA.

This plant is the most common plant with spines for TAs. Sometimes we push into jungle of these plants and it hurts and make small halls too.

Mangahao-Makahika Track

Today was started with drizzle and got better while walking. We could see a hint of South Island over the lookout!

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