DAY64(1/8) Wanganui Top10 Holiday Park to Koitiata Camping Grounds 1397km-1433km


A long road walk to the next campsite at Kaitiata. Official trail is just shoulders on the Staye Highway 3 which is very busy road with 100km/h. We walked down to just outside of town and started hitching.

We tried a couple of places but no luck. Actually one van stopped for us but they only had one seat. Thanks for stopping.

So we started walking.

Even along this busy road there’re farms every where. Thought about feeling of cows&bulls and sheeps around, it must be stressful.

Walk and hitch and hours later we got a ride to Turakina Village.

From here to Koitiata is off SH3. We found A Mario Castle on the way!

Koitiata Campground is TA friendly place. TA walker is free to stay just need sign up on the TA guestbook.

Nobu started feeling ill and time goes by it got worse. He had bad stomachache then got fever. Couldn’t move just sleeping in pain.

I had never seen him this weak. Hope all better tomorrow morning.


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