DAY58(1/2) John Coull Hut to Bridge to Nowhere Lodge (Great Walk 30km)

My whole body was aching when I got up!

Loaded our stuff and the second day begins.

Jeana and Jordan




We left canoes and walk to “Bridge to Nowhere”. It’s one of the sights you go and check on Whanganui Journey. Nice trail all the way with lots of tourists.

Bridge to Nowhere/ The land on the other side was given and it was promised the government open the road and they built this bridge first. But many things happened then finally they abandoned land only the bridge just left behind.

Brio and Rob

We met Brio on New Year’s Eve at Blue Duck cafe. He is on a biking trip. We really do meet people again a lot on this Trip.

Stand paddle is a good stretch for a long canoeing.

Stuff came with quad when we got Bridge to Nowhere Lodge/Rapanui campground. He brought our barrels to the campsite. The river floods sometimes so buildings are always high up with steep pass.

Lovely kitty stays on Jordan’s lap.

Got really dark in the evening then rain started hard with thunder and kept pouring hours. The hardest rain since I came here. Same stuff showed up and told us that we can stay in a cabin tonight. Really helpful considerations. Thanks a lot!

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