DAY52(12/27) YHA National Park to War Memorial 1193km-1220km

It was a clear day from the morning. But strong cold winds from south made a cold day. We heard it later today at Tongariro in the high Place was snowing! Mt. Ruapefu got more snow over night. I put all the clothes I had, globs and everything. It surely a coldest day on this trip.

Fisher Track was also cycling trail, easy walk with nice view. We heard noise like bulls chasing us. It was actually a landslide happened 5m behind us. That was close. It wasn’t big but we could get hurt easily if we get hit.

Fisher Track

We realized that we walked 20km non stop. Searched for a good place to rest and there was a table in a shade.

Lunchtime with log table.

Dinner time with Sinatra & Hana and Isha.

A horse made with horseshoes was set up in 2015. It’s contribution to horses for cultivation in an early time also wars.

We were about to eat our supper suddenly strong wind blew and thick cloud came in. We packed everything into our tent just before rain pouring. When Sunshine came with Emma and Dan, they brought blue sky.

Teaching Japanese to Sunshine.

Horseshoes-horsy guarded us tonight.


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