DAY50(12/25) Ketetahi Hut to Holiday Park 1153km-1173km

Tongariro Northern Circuit 31km(Ketetahi to Whakapapa)

Showering a little and no views at all when we woke up.

Christmas breakfast!

Putting my feet in the wet shoes, we started walking again in the rain. Rain stoped and sometimes we had views of lake ridge lines then suddenly cloud covered us.

Goldie showed up to Ketetahi Hut with blight red chili short pants with Santa-hat. Merry Christmas!

Emerald Lake. Vivid color is came out from volcanic activity.

Started clearing up after Emerald Lake. Magnificent view appeared in front of us. Sunshine with blue sky!

Oturere Hut

From Ketetahi Hut to Whakapapa, we did 3/4th of Tongariro Northern Circuit.

Nobu and Isha were both walking fast I couldn’t keep up sometimes. When I concentrate walking, no views catch my eyes. So I looked up some points to feel the surroundings. Can’t say in the words but every sights were like beautiful pictures.


Greener forest after rain. Vegetation here is like around Mt. Fuji.

Waihohonu Hut

Mt.Ngauruhoe/ conical shape reminded me of Mt.Fuji. It’s resting now but still active. In 1839 erupted 61 times! One of the eminent volcano in New Zealand.

Board walk! Well maintained through the trail.

Taranaki Falls

It was 7:30 when we got Whakapapa Holiday Park, exhausted but I a contented feeling from the walk.

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