DAY46(12/21) Zero Day

Preparation for Great Walks!

Resupply for a week of food to Whakahoro including Tongariro Northern Circuit the great walk.
Great walks are well maintained trails in New Zealand. Famous Milford Track is one of them. Walking great walk is free but you must pre-book your accommodations beforehand.
So we went i-site to see availability. We planed to book next day but this season is quite busy and stuff said earlier the better.
The staff was amazing, really helped us find a way and telling alternatives. We booked starting on 1st of January next year!

The most helpful i-site ever!

He sorted out everything and it worked out well.
We had another resupply for Whanganui Journey about 6 days of food.

It was a stressful busy zero day. But preparation was done and we were happy.

Taumarunui Holiday Park
Listing up all the food.
This year’s supply (trail food).
Supplies for Whanganui Journey(heavy stuff).

A long day was finished and we were hungry again. It was a late big dinner. Loving meal!

Pork chops & sausages

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