DAY41(12/16) YHA Waitomo to Mangaokewa Riserve 898km-918km

We were excited from the morning maybe from the night before. Because we were reaching town today!

It’s dream like we are close to 1,000k soon.

Nobu found a chick on the road. It must dropped from its nest nearby so we searched. I found a little nest just above the chick! Hope it was ok. We encounter animals so much especially babes.

Te Kuiti, the town equal New World! Our favorite supermarket.

We got Hotdogs at the entrance. It was a Christmas thing. We had some samples and a little chocolates from them. Also free play stuff for kids and face paint. That was nice!

Lunch time!

Other hikers came in while we were eating and more came more we stayed there like 5 hours of lunch time! Then we visited i-site for some informations but it was closed a few hours ago we had too long lunch…but in the end we laugh and had much fun meeting many hikers.

Japanese garden in Te Kuiti!
Nice guys we met on the way told us where to enter the trail.

There was a sign telling us the entrance of trail but letters were barely readable so Nobu rewrote them, thanks.

We stayed at Mangaokewa Reserve Campground and we think just above is a rock climb crags. There’re some ropes hanging down. Camped with 3 other hikers and some travelers, it was a nice place by the river.


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