DAY39(12/14) Pahautea Hut to Wild Camp 848km-876km

Woke up by 5:30, windy and showery weather wasn’t a good sign for the day. Then raining hard for 10 min. Hoped it was only temporary and it was!

Built at 2014 quite new hat was nice and clean with 20 bank beds!

Forest shines after morning shower. Trees, mosses sparkle with sunlight. Beautiful things surrounded, in clear breeze we started walking.

We heard it was really muddy on the other side and it was!!! Hikers found ways to escape from catch by boggy trail with putting branches, rocks. Carefully choosing safe pass but Nobu made mistakes and it was deep one. Once you are in so deep it’s hard to pull! A month of peace ended today.


After the mountain range we stopped at Micheal’s, he’s one of trail angels.
We meant there for just washroom but stayed an hour talking with him. Really cool guy, lives with natural cycle. Raising calves, taking care of garden, smart chooks. His front yard is eye catching.
His life style is exactly what we want in few years.

Very hungry at the end of the day!
“Let’s have meal first” said Nobu. Thanks for cooking love you!
Great meal disappeared into our tommy in flash. Thanks.

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