DAY38(12/13) Kaniwhaniwha Campsite to Pahautea Hut 840km-848km

Trail Curry Stir-fried Rice!

Easy day with only 8km hike. So we did a little detour to Kaniwhaniwha Caves which is only 20 mim away.

Some muddy parts we found that was avoidable. Once on the ridge line ups & downs as usual.

360° view from Pirongia Summit. Windy!!!

By 2pm we arrived at Pahautea Hut. This is the first time we use our Backcountry Hut Pass! Use more often in South Island.
Nobu got to plan for the next 10 days. Next town has shops, pizzeria, in few days we’ll encounter hard one! Makes me excited hearing those infos.

Thai soup was big portion and tasty!

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