DAY36(12/11) Backpackers Central Hamilton to Karamu Valley Lodge 800km-824km

When Derrick stoped to ask us if we wanna go to beach while checking the map outside of Hamilton.

3 of us with lovely dog on the bench sheet.

Honey(dog) got terminal cancer so Derrick is doing everything he can to cheer her up. Honey had never been to the beach before.
Non-pure hikers like us always say yes to the offer so we headed to Raglan!

Derrick traveled by bicycle for 5 years always slept in woods. He bicycled from Thai to Germany took him 2 years and he kept traveling 80,000km in total!!!
His charming personality and overwhelming love towards Honey made us moved. Felt like watching a good scene of movies.
Thanks for a joyful time with you guys~

On the way back we were dropped off at Whatawhata. From here was road to riverbank into corn field.

Camping at Karamu Valley Lodge.

Heather served lemon water for us. Cold drink after walk is great!

Heather & Paul loves horses they had 25 horses in 16 years since they moved to NZ. Now they own 2 horses for themselves. They ride them and heather is nearly 70. Really nice!

Last couple of days where we slept was close to noisy roads
So I slept well in a quiet woods surrounded nice spot only we could hear singing birds.

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