DAY24(11/29) Te Arai Beach to Twin Rimus 464km-489km

Te Arai Piont
Te Arai Beach

“Walker!Walker!” A boy run to us while we were passing Pakiri School.

He had a notebook with a list of TA hikers, date, nationality, age and weight of your backpack. He is doing a little research about TA.

It was end of lunch time and asked us if we wanted to come in. We’re interested and teachers welcomed us!

Japanese greetings and a little bit about Japan and us we talked. A teacher searched on PC and put it on smart board right away.
No one expects things like this happen on TA and I appreciated very well.

With all the students in school

After school we climbed Tamafunga Summit and that was a call for a day! Some part were muddy but it hasn’t rained for last two weeks so wast that bad.

Twin Rimus
Matt & Jasmine are giving their back yard for TA hikers to stay. Matt was away but Jasmine was very happy to talk to hikers and with their 4 kids we had a nice time.

Cold beer & hot shower for $20!

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