DAY20(11/25) Bream Head to Ruakaka 386km-410km

Clams for breakfast from beach walk yesterday. ITADAKIMASU!

Bream head Track is very steep up down but many stairs are helpful.

Detour to the highest point. A little climbing was fun.

360 great view if we were not in cloud.

Last half an hour was only stairs going down. It must be harder on the other way around.

Nobu’s been suffering a little pain in the outer shin for a while. He thought no problem. When he finished Bream head track and back on Road it started getting worse. So we hitched to the meeting point with Duncan who’s giving us a lift to cross Whangarei Harbour.

We hitched again to shopping mall. Next part is also having a little shop along the way. So we got rice for 5 days and other stuff for 3 days. Still it seems too much…

Super markets are not always around and TA hikers are always hungry. Overcoming the temptation for food is challenging.

We TA hikers are always talking about food with full of food in their backpacks saying we are buying less next time. Then again we do the same thing.

We’ll repeat this till the end and these time is peaceful and pleasant to me.

$7 for two! So fur lumb is our favorite.

Dinner was Lamb! Always eat well whenever we have a chance.

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