DAY18(11/23) Ngunguru to Tide song B&B 341km-371km

James, owner of Nikau Bay Eco Camp. Really nice guy let us stay his place.
Lovely dog Lasty!

Walk for today started 8km on gravel road. We hitched a car for 5k by neighbor of James. He was late for work but gave us a lift, thanks Uniuni!

Walking long distance is tough enough to me and with my backpack on steep trails were challenging for the beginning. I think I got used to and getting some stamina by now.

Nice place on the hill with beautiful view.
Kasey, we met in front of her place. Showed us around her garden and tea was nice.

After short and nice walk on Mackerel Forest Track we found a place does WWOOFing maybe I can come back.

Meeting people made us want to walk on the road so we kept going then a car stoped and offered us a ride. Nobu said why not.

They were locals out for shopping and married for 50 years. We asked what’s the secret. “Be Happy” that was the answer!

Oyster on tire. Full of mini oyster along the coast, snacks for Nobu.

Heading to Tidesong B&B while tide was low. It gave me a strange feeling walking on the land which appears only lowtide.

Salada from owner. Fresh veges are valuable to TA hikers.

Hugh and Ros are Trail Angels. We got tea and sweets full of plate and giving us to stay with TA discount.

Thanks a lot!

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