Northland Forest/Ahipara to KeriKeri Part1

DAY6(Nov.11) Ahipara to Tramp inn 101km-123km

Forest part starting today!

About 2 hours walk on the road, surrounded houses and farm with streams. Easy walk to the trail head.

Kia Kaha

Well, Nobu was saying hiker call NZ, Mad Land but didn’t expect this much…deep spot could eat my legs hard.

Mad is actually wet cray and it’s sticky and slippery. Have to concentrate on each steps not getting hurt myself. Just slow going.

Finally came out of the jungle there was a cute little hut on the farm field.

Thanks for the farmer who put it here and water to clean mad.

No door toilet has the best view!

Dinner for tonight was rice and boiled eggs. Warm meal sinking into my body.

DAY7(Nov.12) Tramp inn to Ashoka eco-village 123km-138km

Through farmland and a little village to Ratea Forest. With our condition we decided to camp out somewhere before Ratea. Then found interesting place.

Eco Village! We went up if they’re open.

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