The First Zero day

DAY5 (Nov.10) Rest

Birds chats woke us up. We woke up.

YHA Ahipara is with camping site so we stay out. Shower kitchen and lounge are common space and that was great to us, very pleasant place.

My right leg was healing but still limping a little. Some of hikers started at the same day kept walking without a rest day which impressed me much. Good luck Pete & Cas! We hope to see you guys again.

Town Ahipara is small so we hitch to Kaitaia next town to get food for the next section.

We eat rice for start and finish during the walk is nuts and dry fruits. Those are the our standard for now. We don’t have the system of choosing nuts and grain or those snacks at glossary store in Japan. Love this style!

Back to Ahipara and feast for the rest day with wine.

While we were chilling out TA hikers arriving to YHA. Talk about what we had through and are gonna do for next, excited. We don’t really know their back ground or anything but I felt we’re all connected and love it. I couldn’t keep up with them sometimes with my poor English but just staying with them was precious time to me.

Season for the hike just started but I was surprised hikers start TA everyday. Today some are starting and more hikers before us keep tramping. Some we will meet some are not but thinking of them who walks on the same way excite me and make wonder about.

This journey is challenging and not gonna get easier. But with your own body with a backpack for such a long distance is totally different from our everyday life, extororndenally walk fascinating us.

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