Northland/Cape Rainga to Ahipara 4days Part2

Maunganui Bluff to Ahipara

DAY3(Nov8) Maunganui Bluff to Hukatere 40km-69km

Avocado and eggs on the rice with JP Shiro dash I

After stormy night, rain and strong wind against us blowing for 2 hours was the beginning.
After 15km walk on the beach the arch of my right foot started aching a little by little. Couldn’t think about anything else.

While I was suffering Nobu collected full of shells in the bag. Yes, tonight is seafood again!!

It was a long walk to Hukatere camping ground.

Cat named Star was lovely

Tania who runs place saying “KIA KAHA” with fist bump to cheer us up. The word has a power we felt it strongly.

Nice warm kitchen and hot shower we couldn’t move out for a while. Thanks!

Dinner was steamed shells by Nobu and gigantic smoothie by Tania!

DAY4(11/9) Hukatere to Ahipard 69km-101km

Wake up before 6am and took a walk to the beach. Mixed with pink and orange colored sky.

Breakfast for shell and egg bowl. Final day for Ninety Mile Beach.

Harri from Germany took this by drone

You can check his work at Unseenimages on Twiter or Facebook!

I thought I was ready to finish the beach but my right foot aching hard. The pain and frustration made me cry. Anxiety stroke me maybe I can’t go on…

Nobu carried my backpack from the half point. So I was able to reach YHA Ahipara. Will was the only thing made me walk.

Thanks Nobu!

Walked 8am to 6pm. Got salty sand shower from the bus running on the beach and escaped from high tide and took a nap. It was a long day!

Haka like posture. Nobu wanna learn it on this trip.

Finally done with beach section~


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